Warehouse 13 Wiki

Tito Puente's Original Studio Master of "Oye Cómo Va", also known as Tito Puente - Oye Como Va - Master,[1] is an artifact featured in "Around The Bend".


When played, the artifact resets the neurorhythms of those who listen to it.

This has the ability to cancel out hallucinations and mental delusions, though whether this is a guaranteed effect, or if it was merely the result of negating the subconscious rhythm tapped out on the Oman Island Telegraph is unknown.[2]


This artifact was collected from Azzelian Studio in January in the 1970s[3] by Warehouse 13 agent M. Whistler.[1]

This artifact was used by Artie to try and cancel out the effects of the Telegraph Island Telegraph on a delusional Pete. But the constant audio output wasn't enough to overload the Telegraph, so combined with the tape and the visual overload from Artie's Tesla through a windshield, it finally broke free and saved Pete.[2]

Real World Connection[]

"Oye Cómo Va" (Spanish for "Listen how it goes") is a 1962 cha-cha-chá song by Tito Puente. The name of the song is taken from its refrain: "Oye cómo va, mi ritmo..." ("Listen how it goes, my rhythm"). The song was arranged as a cha-cha-chá with a repeated piano tumbao, and features a block chord ostinato pattern that repeats throughout. It achieved worldwide popularity when it was covered by American rock group Santana for their album Abraxas, which was released as a single in 1971.


  • TBA




  1. 1.0 1.1 File:Tito Puente Card.jpg
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Around The Bend"
  3. Due to the illegibility of the card, it could be 1970, 1973, 1975, 1978, or 1979.