Warehouse 13 Wiki

For a simple, alphabetic list of artifacts, see the artifacts category.
For a discussion of artifacts in general, see the main article.
For a detailed and explanatory list of non-major artifacts, see the List of Minor Artifacts page.
For a list of artifacts that have not been entirely identified, see the List of Unidentified Artifacts page.
For a list of speculative artifacts, see the List of Speculative Artifacts page.
For a list of unofficial artifacts, see the List of Unofficial Artifacts page.

For a list of all non-artifact technology, see the List of Technology page.

The following is a list of artifacts and gadgets that have appeared within the Warehouse 13 franchise.



  • Abraham Lincoln's Top Hat: First mentioned in a behind-the-scenes video.[2] Later referenced by Pete Lattimer to Steve Jinks as imbuing the wearer with the overwhelming urge to free nearby African-American people, believing them to be slaves, an impulse which apparently got Pete into hot water with Mrs. Frederic.[3]
  • African Tribal Elephant Tusk: Follow attached link.[4]
  • After-Image Mirror: The Warehouse 9 precursor to the Durational Spectrometer, holding a lit candle up to it will show images of events that happened in the area from the last few hours.[4]
  • Agatha Christie's Typewriter: Outlines dark plots. First seen in "Pilot", with its effect being mentioned in the website.[5]
  • Airbrushes from Disney Studios: Animate the environment in which you paint. Seen near Walt Disney's Paintbrush with a collection of other brush artifacts. Collected from Florida on October 21, 19__ by agent M. M. Bellamy.[6]
  • Al Capone's Machine Guns: Specific effect(s) unknown. Did not appear to display any abilities apart from firing a rather violent wave of bullets. Claudia used them while under Paracelsus' control to stop Pete and Steve.[4]
  • Albert Butz's Glasses: Follow attached link.[7]
  • Aleister Crowley's Ruby Studded Universal Hexagram Necklace: Follow attached link.[8]
Alessandro Volta's Lab Coat

Alessandro Volta's Lab Coat

Analog Password Cracker

The Analog Password Decoder

Artifact Tracker Football

The Artifact Tracker Football


Beatrix Potter's Tea Set

Beatrix Potter's Tea Set

Black Bart's Cannon

Black Bart's Cannon

  • Black Bart's Cannon: Follow attached link.[4][34]
  • Blue Porcelain Teapot: Snagged in Oakville, Utah. Providence of a Geogina Winthrop, has aura-perception properties.
  • Boa Vista Plantation Token: Follow attached link.[33]
  • Bob Dylan's Bus Transfer: His transition from acoustic to electric caused a major change in his music, caused by the uproar by his fans this bus transfer was imbued with the power to transfer energy. Used to transfer the energy of Frances Farmer's Music Box from Claire into Myka.
  • Bobby Fischer's Bag of Marbles: Follow attached link.[35][36]
  • Bobby Jones' Golf Clubs: Follow attached link.[33]
  • Bodhidharma's Slippers: Mentioned but not seen; has properties that cause living death.[7]
  • Bottomless Cookie Jar:ComicBook A gold cookie jar that is always full of chocolate chip cookies. Currently in the Warehouse (when not in Pete or Artie's hands). It was seen in the Warehouse 13 comic book.[23]
  • Brain Washing Antennae: Capable of transforming radio and television signals into brainwashing messages for direct listeners and viewers. Its display card was seen behind Claudia and next to the Gargoyle.[37]
  • Brigadier General Laverlong's Elephant Walking StickFollow attached link.[38]
  • Bruce Lee's Punching Bag: Implied to affect one's density. Currently stored in the Warehouse.[18]
  • Busby Berkeley's FlaskUsed to direct the tin pan from Tin Pan Alley to destroy the 42nd Street Marquee. Implied to allow objects it douses in alcohol to swerve and hit anything relating to showbiz.



Carlo Collodi's bracelet's display

Cecil B

Walter Sykes with Cecil B. DeMille's Riding Crop

  • Cecil B. DeMille's Riding Crop: Follow attached link.[41][42]
  • Chameleon Mines: Land mines that blend into their surroundings making them virtually invisible. Used by MacPherson as a trap to prevent Artie and Claudia from pursuing him. They are detectable by a pervasive smell of fudge.[43]
  • Charles II's Croquet Balls: Follow attached link.[44]
  • Charles Dickens' Badminton Racket: Makes user believe they are an orphan, a reference to Dickens' books Oliver Twist and The Old Curiosity Shop, among others. Mentioned by Pete.[3]
  • Charles Ponzi's Money Clip: Causes poverty and despair for whoever possesses it. A reference to the fate of con artist Charles Ponzi, who conned millions (hence the term "Ponzi scheme"), but died penniless. Artifact profiled in the website.
  • Charlie's Dancing Easy chair: Effects uncertain, described as "The horizontal dance, in a sitting position. Not recommended in the workplace."
  • Chester Moore Hall's Achromatic Lens: Follow attached link.[4]
  • Children's Sleighs: Can make you relive your childhood. Keep in a warm climate.[45]
  • The Chinese Orchid: Follow attached link.[46]
  • Christmas Truce Submarine Ornament: Follow attached link.[47]
  • Christopher Columbus' Brooch: Given to Columbus by Queen Isabella, Artie said "it can make someone brave from across an ocean."[48]
  • Chuck E. Yeager's Favorite Record: Follow attached link
  • Chun-Kwai Seducing Vase: Induces a wild erotic abandon; Do not touch if you do not wish full sexual relations with any persons in your immediate vicinity for the next 24 hours.
Cinderella's Glass Knife

Cinderella's Glass Knife

  • Corsican Vest: Follow attached link.[55]
  • Count of St. Germain's Ring: Follow attached link.[28][56]
  • Courrieres Mine Miner's Lantern: Follow attached link.[51]
  • Cranston's Police Blotter: A desk blotter from Birmingham Precinct 7 that oozes aggression.[54]
  • "Creatures of Scarboro Coules": Final word uncertain. An elephant folio-size manuscript that is an Illustrated and descriptive documentation of unknown lifeforms said to be found in the area. May contain hidden/cryptic clues to locating a mysterious new species.[57]


Doorknob from the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

The Doorknob from the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory


Edgar Allan Poe's Quill Pen and Notebook

Edgar Allan Poe's quill pen and notebook


Eric Marsden's unreleased record

  • Eric Marsden's Unreleased Record: Follow attached link.[60]
  • Ernest Shackleton's Tin of Newcastle Sardines: A tin of Newcastle sardines from the voyage of the Endurance, during which Shackleton and his crew were trapped by ice for nearly two years. Causes mass insanity and extreme violence when opened. Although said to have been collected in 1908, the Endurance was not trapped until 1914-1915.[67]
  • Escher Vault Goggles: The goggles allow the wearer to find their way through the Escher Vault. Anyone who goes in without them will never be able to find their way out again. A curious agent tried this 20 years ago and is most likely dead now, according to Mrs. Frederic.[43]
  • Excalibur: Follow attached link.[68]


Ferdinand Magellan's Astrolabe

Ferdinand Magellan's Astrolabe


  • Gary Coleman's SAG Card: Fills holder with overwhelming sadness.[14]
  • Genghis Khan's Mace: Follow attached link.[28]
  • George Patton's Steel Military Helmet: Follow attached link.[18]
  • George Reeves's Eyeglasses: Effect(s) uncertain, implied to give super-vision (George Reeves played Superman on television for six years).[21]
  • George Washington's Shaving Brush: User will see the world as a painting. Handle only indirectly using (illegible) artifact gloves or tongs. Seen with a collection of other brush artifacts. Collected from Berlin on July 11, 1900 by agent M. M. Bellamy.
Glass Jar from the Donner Party

The Glass Jar from the Donner party being used as a tip jar.


Imperceptor Vest

H.G. Wells' Imperceptor Vest

Hatshepsut's Golden Bee Hive

Hatshepsut's Golden Bee Hive

  • Hatshepsut's Golden Bee Hive: Follow attached link.[52]
  • Helen of Troy's Cuff Bracelet: Mentioned by Artie to have seductive properties.[80]
  • Henry Dreyfuss' Princess Telephone: Display card states that use of the telephone will lead to success, but the concomitant feeling emptiness leads to suicide. In close proximity to people, it rings and a voice shrieks, "Pick me up! Pick me up!". In the Dark Vault.[24]


  • Ice Flower: Follow attached link.[82]
  • Ignaty Gryniewietsky's Tattoo Box: Follow attached link.[35]
  • Ilse Koch's WhipFollow attached link.[4]
  • Incendiary Pedal Fire Engine: Can ignite anything the rider (illegible) while laughing.
  • Inquisition Torture Saw: Handler becomes delighted by dismembering others. Located in a room with other torture artifacts.[84]
  • Insecurity-Serving Serving Platter: Anyone who eats contents served from platter may experience waves of doubt about their capacity to reason. Useful for political manipulation.[85]
  • Instant Dancer Shoe Lasts: Shoes manufactured with these lasts create instant dancers. However, persons with clumsy natures break legs often.[37]
  • Invincibility Raincoat: Boosts wearer's immune system to rapidly heal injuries, giving the impression of invincibility. However, the wearer loses objectivity and becomes obsessed with murder. Has 3611 G.P. written on the inside.[58]
  • Sir Issac Newton's Cravat: Wearer gains scientific and philosophical insight by wiping it across their face or forehead. Use by scientifically oriented minds may lead to world-changing discoveries. Using or wearing the cravat for long periods of time is not recommended, as the wearer's gravitational pull increases until they can no longer move.[48]
  • Isaac Parker's Noose: Follow attached link.[46]
  • Italian Bell: This artifact was originally owned by an unfunny comedian who died onstage when a steel-toed boot was thrown at and hit him. When rung, listeners will literally laugh themselves to death, causing cardiac arrest. Currently not in the Warehouse.[86]
  • Ivan Pavlov's Bell: Follow attached link.[61]


  • J. Moysan of Blois' Miniature Skull Clock: One of the artifacts listed among Claudia's contingency plans, to be used in conjunction with Moriz Gottschalk's Fairy-Castle Dollhouse. It has the ability to shrink people.[79] J. Moysan of Blois was a French watchmaker who had been commissioned to create a miniature skull watch, a popular representation of the concept of memento mori at the time, for Mary Queen of Scots, and likely created many more of the same kind.[87]
  • Jack the Ripper's Lantern: Follow attached link.[64]
  • Jacob Kurtzberg's Belt: Follow attached link.[18]

James Braid's chair in Father Braid's office

Johann Maelzel's Metronome

Johann Maelzel's metronome

  • Johann Maelzel's Metronome: Follow attached link.[33][34][53][70]
  • Johannes Gutenberg's Memory Paper: When a special camera takes a photo of a painting and then applies it to the memory paper, the paper changes into a perfect replica of the painting.
  • John A. Macready's Sunglasses: Follow attached link.[33]
  • John Dillinger's Pistol: A Colt .45 that turns on its owner, a reference to the belief that notorious bank robber John Dillinger was killed with his own gun, taken from him in an ambush. Currently not in the Warehouse. Artifact profiled in the website.
  • John F. Kennedy's Tie Clip: Mentioned as having seductive powers; Artie stated it drove the ladies crazy.[80]
  • John Logie Baird's Scanning Disk: Follow attached link.[1]
  • John McEnroe's Tennis Racket: Implied to cause aggressive and violent behavior. Leena joked that the artifact should be kept away from Bobby Jones's Golf Clubs.[33]
  • Johnny Appleseed's Tin Pot: A battered tin pot that once belonged to John Chapman. This vessel is filled with an infinite amount of apple cider. Activates when someone touches the pot, and if left on its side it will continuously pour out apple cider.[21]
  • Joseph of Cupertino's Medallion: Follow attached link.[10]
  • Joseph Pilates' Resistance Bands: Enables the circulatory system and prevents muscles atrophying while in a coma.[11]
  • Joseph Stalin's Sleep Mask: Follow attached link.[48]
Joshua's Horn

Joshua's horn


  • King David's Slingshot: Mentioned as being in the Warehouse. Effects unknown, implied to be growth-related.[58]
  • King George III's Crown: Was the inspiration for the Mad Hatter and his hat in Alice in Wonderland. Causes madness in the wearer. Mentioned by Claudia while they were looking for a way to re-imprison Alice.[69]
  • King Kamehameha's Hawaiian LeiFollow attached link.[10]
  • King Kamehameha's Tiki Idol:ComicBook Follow attached link.[23]
  • Knap-Sack of Wendell McFee: Induces vertigo; do not look into.[92]


  • Lady Liberty Lighter: Cigarette lighter played with by Pete. Does not light the lighter, but instead ignites the torch held by the Statue of Liberty.[93]
  • Laurence Shirley's Noose:ComicBook Follow attached link.[23]
Leena's painting

Leena's Bed and Breakfast Portrait




The Norse Hammer

  • Nisqually Totem Pole: Made up of a puma, a thunderbird and a bear. It came to life in 1848 and massacred a frontier settlement in retaliation for the death of its tribe at the hands of white prospectors. It attacks the nearest populated area if revived.[21]
  • Non-Exploding Hand Grenade: Does not explode and returns to the thrower, filling them with overwhelming guilt at being involved in war.[106]
  • Norge Porthole: Follow attached link.[51]
  • Norse Hammer: Follow attached link.[18]




P.T. Barnum's top


The Pearl of Wisdom

  • Pearl of Wisdom: Follow attached link.[43]
  • Peppermill: An oversized peppermill. Has the power to disintegrate solid matter. Destroyed in a fire created by the lehmann Fornax as a result of the Warehoouse 13 Diorama's activation.[19]
  • Persian Rug: An artifact that, when exposed to friction, generates a massive amount of static electricity. Seen when Artie used it to magnetize a truck antenna while trying to rescue Claudia.[9]
  • Peter Heinlen's Nuremberg Egg:ComicBook One of the first pocket watches invented by the 15th Century German clockmaker, it is able to create an electric shock, capable of frying electrical equipment and knocking humans unconscious. Appeared in tie-in comic book issue #4.[23]
  • Peterson's Armored Personnel Carrier:  A military vehicle that keeps on driving regardless.[54]
  • Philip Van Doren Stern's Upholstery Brush: Follow attached link.[42]
  • Philo Farnsworth's Communications Device: Follow attached link.[5]
  • Philo Farnsworth's Transmutational Three Dimensional Camera/Projector: Follow attached link.[15]
Philip Van Doren Stern's Upholstery Brush

Philip Van Doren Stern's Upholstery Brush display

  • Philosopher's StoneFollow attached link.[1][28]
  • The Phoenix: Follow attached link.[73]
  • Plant/Vine: Grows automatically whenever light is directed onto it. Activated by the Norge Porthole, and knocked over the Soccer Ball.
  • Pliny the Elder's Scroll: Follow attached link.[35]
  • Pneumatic Tube and Capsule: Users can speak into the capsule then drop it into the tube to be transported to the recipient. The recipient can then open the capsule up and listen to the user's message. It was broken, but Claudia fixed it.[3] In the Warehouse 13 comic book it was indicated that Artie has a tendency to yell his message into it.
  • Pompeii Amphora: Follow attached link.[89]
  • Primo Levi's Scarf: Follow attached link.[13][35]
  • Primordial Tar: Follow attached link.[55]
  • Prince Hussain's Flying Carpet: Presumably can fly. Requires vacuuming at regular intervals to keep it 'happy'.[107]
  • Pulley Block from the Mary Celeste: Follow attached link.[34]
  • Purple Umbrella: Effect(s) unknown.[18] As explained in a podcast by director and cast, this is the umbrella weapon of the Penguin, a Batman villain.[108]
  • Pyramid: Follow attached link.[3][19]




Jane Lattimer wearing the Remati Shackle.

Rod of Asclepius

The Rod of Asclepius

  • Roman Coins:ComicBook Roman coins that produce an electromagnetic field when a current is run through them, with heads for attraction and tails for repulsion. Appears in tie-in comic book issue #3.[23]
  • Rosalind Franklin's DNA Sequencer: Follow attached link.[71]
  • Round Table of King ArthurFollow attached link.
  • Route-Repeating Shoes: Implied to cause the wearer to repeat the same route or even lifestyle and events; effects described as "Totally in a rut."
  • Rudolph's Nose: Follow attached link.[42]
  • Rudolph Valentino's Cigarette: Casually mentioned by Artie as having seduction properties.[80]


  • Saburo Miyakawa's Hachimaki: Provides wearer with no fear of death.[18]
  • Sacred Papyri of Seleucia: Effect unknown. Implied to be able to fry people. Not currently in the Warehouse.[30]
Sallah the Soothsaying Sultan1

Sallah the Soothsaying Sultan

  • Salinger Inventory Scanner: This scanner was mentioned but never seen; if an artifact is AWOL from the Warehouse, this 'SIS' can find it. However, it cannot detect artifacts, or even parts of bifurcated artifacts, which have never been housed in the Warehouse. More information on the SIS can be found in the Manual.[15]
  • Sallah, the Soothsaying Sultan: Follow attached link.[7]
  • Samson's Jawbone: The jawbone of a donkey used by the biblical Samson to slaughter Philistines. This artifact was implied to affect one's density. Currently stored in the Warehouse.[18]
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Fishing Net: Follow attached link.[28]
  • Sargon the Great's MirrorsFollow attached link.[4]

The Scarab of Imhotep

  • Scarab of Imhotep: Follow attached link.[3][61][101]
  • The Schlage: Follow attached link.[56]
  • Scott Joplin's Cigarette Case: Follow attached link.[36]
  • Seii Taishogun's Tanto Blade: Blade collects vast amount of energy that must be (illegible). A blade or pair of blades that seem to be sharp enough to split an object by touching it, seen when Artie accidentally dropped one on their display monitor, splitting it cleanly in two. Requires someone to 'redistribute their energy weight' at regular intervals to keep them 'happy'.[51][107] The term "shogun", referring to military dictators of Japan, is the shortened form of "Sei-i (or Seii) Taishogun"; tantō blades are the blade most commonly used in the Japanese ritual suicide known as seppuku.
  • Sense-Sucking Vacuum cleaner: Numbs all senses of operator to the point of existential crisis; In case of accidental touching, tickle victim randomly for at least two hours.
  • Shard from the Lens of the Lighthouse of Alexandria: Follow attached link.[80]
  • Shirō Ishii's Medal: Follow attached link.[32]
  • Shrunken Head: Reanimated by blood; formerly located on the shelf beneath Elizabeth Bathory's bathtub. Now irreparably damaged by chewing on an electrical wire.
  • Shyness Reducing Wooden Box: Implied to reduce shyness. Pete grabbed this artifact from the shelves to help Artie talk to Vanessa Calder.
  • Sigmund Freud's Mantle Clock: Follow attached link.[56]
  • Silencing Pram: Origin/owner illegible; Implied to silence babies through unpleasant, likely fatal means. Effects described as "Silences baby - can seem pleasant but is extremely dangerous."
  • Silver Necklace from the Atacama Desert Mines: Follow attached link.[11]
  • Silver Thimble: Snagged in 1944 from Frederickton, Nebraska. Providenceof a Suzanne Oldsworth, has aura-perception properties.
  • Sitting Bull's Riding Blanket: Follow attached link.[10]
  • Smoking Railroad Spikes: Follow attached link.
  • Snowshoes of Eric the Dreadful: Will lead wearer to predators, even inside the Warehouse.[109]
  • Soccer Ball: The handler of the ball develops extreme skill at forming offensive plans and scoring goals.[51]
  • Sodom and Gomorrah Salt MaskFollow attached link.[48]
  • Spartacus' Retiarius Net:ComicBook Follow attached link.[23][110]
  • Spartan Armor: Follow attached link.[70]
  • Speed-Reading Lamp: Allows the user to read up to 60 pages a minute, but replaces childhood memories with events from famous fictional literature.[111]
Spine of Sacaren

The Spine of Saracen on Pete

Statues of Zeus and Hera

Statues of Zeus and Hera


  • Tall Brush: Will make you grow taller. Handling: Don't use for its purpose. Seen with a collection of other brush artifacts. Collected on July 1_, 1911 by agent M. M. Bellamy.[112]
Telegraph from Oman

The Telegraph from Oman Island


The Threshold of Limentinus


Wikia W13 - Barometer

The USS Eldridge (DE-173) Ship's Barometer activated.



Walt Disney's Paint Brush

Walt Disney's Paint Brush seen near other brushes

  • Walt Disney's Paintbrush: According to the label: "Brush animates directly from painter's imagination." Anything painted by the brush becomes 3D, appears to be alive, and looks and behaves in a cartoonish fashion. Used by Pete to paint his shoes, which quickly ran away.[71]
  • Walter Winchell's Tie Clip and Cuff Links: Follow attached link.[100]
  • Warden Matthew's Quartz Cross: Follow attached link
Warehouse 13 Prototype 1

Warehouse 13 Diorama

  • Warehouse 13 Diorama: Follow attached link.[19]
  • Wilhelm Reich's Cloudbuster: A device that collects orgone energy and uses it to create rain. It resides in the middle of Univille's town park.[21]
  • William Edward Parry's InukshukFollow attached link.[91]
  • William Hornaday's Zookeeper Cap: Follow attached link.[56]
  • William Shakespeare's Lost Folio: Follow attached link.[3]
  • William Tell Artifacts
    • William Tell's Crossbow: A bow belonging to Swiss folk-hero William Tell; anything fired from it can hit any target, no matter how far away the user is from it or what position the bow is in. Used by Artie to rescue Claudia from the effects of Volta's lab coat.[9] Alludes to Tell's superb marksmanship and his fabled shot, in which he was forced to shoot an apple off his son Walter's head...and succeeded.
    • William Tell's Rabbit Foot:ComicBook Alters probability, granting the user impossible luck. However, how that luck manifests is entirely the artifact's purview. Appears in tie-in comic book #5.[23]
  • Willem Jansz's Boomerang:ComicBook Follow attached link.[23]
  • Wind-Up Tin Rooster: Snagged in 1953 in Oakmills, New Jersey. Providence of a J.Templer and has energizing properties.
  • Wings of Daedalus: Follow attached link.[55]
  • Wood Bonnet Brush: Fatal when used. Handle only after 3 PM. Seen with a collection of brush artifacts. Collected from Sacramento in March (day and year illegible).[112]
  • Wooden Box: Contents unknown. Is linked to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, so the tower tilts as much as the box does.[116]
  • World War 2 Tessen Fan: Follow attached link.[4]
  • WW1 Inspiration Helmet: Provides leader of troops with intense collective strategy and force, overpowering enemies even when greatly outnumbered. Warning: Repetitive use can lead to perpetual need to control large groups of people. It and its display card were seen within the Schoningen Armory next to the Non-Exploding Hand Grenade.


  • Yatagarasu's Feather: The feather of the three-legged crow that guided the Emperor Jimmu. Though it wasn't seen, it radiated an intense golden light and the sounds of crows cawing could be heard. Apparently looking at it will drive the victim insane. Is currently kept in the Dark Vault.[13]
  • Yogiraj Bengali's Cobra Basket: When the lid is opened, smoke pours out that takes the form of a cobra for a few seconds, a reference to the tradition of cobra charming. Presumably was part of Warehouse 8's inventory, as the Steinbrooks identified Artie as a Warehouse 13 agent after he showed it to them.[46]

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 The Truth Hurts
  2. 'Dark Vault'er Blog Video
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 The New Guy
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 Endless Terror
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Pilot
  6. Love Sick (see this and this image)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Insatiable
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Lost & Found
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Regrets
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 The Sky's the Limit
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Secret Services
  12. Pete Lattimer: "Oh great, another Hitchcock artifact. The guy should have his own section." (Instinct)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 No Pain, No Gain
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Time Out
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Beyond Our Control
  16. File:Angel Figurines.jpg
  17. File:Angel Figurine Screen with Bear.jpg
  18. 18.00 18.01 18.02 18.03 18.04 18.05 18.06 18.07 18.08 18.09 18.10 Mild Mannered
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 Grand Designs
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Buried
  21. 21.00 21.01 21.02 21.03 21.04 21.05 21.06 21.07 21.08 21.09 21.10 21.11 21.12 21.13 Warehouse 13: A Touch of Fever
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 The Big Snag
  23. 23.00 23.01 23.02 23.03 23.04 23.05 23.06 23.07 23.08 23.09 23.10 23.11 23.12 23.13 23.14 23.15 23.16 23.17 Warehouse 13 (Comic Book): Volume 1
  24. 24.00 24.01 24.02 24.03 24.04 24.05 24.06 24.07 24.08 24.09 24.10 24.11 24.12 24.13 Breakdown
  25. File:Ruth Bat Card 1.png
  26. File:Ruth Bat Card 2 v2.png
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 13.1
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 28.9 All the Time in the World
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Don't Hate The Player
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 Burnout
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Claudia
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 32.6 The 40th Floor
  33. 33.00 33.01 33.02 33.03 33.04 33.05 33.06 33.07 33.08 33.09 33.10 33.11 Personal Effects
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 Stand
  35. 35.00 35.01 35.02 35.03 35.04 35.05 35.06 35.07 35.08 35.09 35.10 35.11 The Ones You Love
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 There's Always a Downside
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 Instinct
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Around The Bend
  39. File:Assorted Cards 25.jpg
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 Shadows
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Emily Lake
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 42.6 The Greatest Gift
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 Season Two
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 Vendetta
  45. File:Assorted Cards 21.jpg
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 We All Fall Down
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 Secret Santa
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 What Matters Most
  49. 49.0 49.1 Where and When
  50. 50.0 50.1 The Sky's the Limit (see this image)
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 51.5 51.6 Parks and Rehabilitation
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 Queen For A Day
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 An Evil Within
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 54.4 54.5 The Ones You Love (see this image)
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 55.4 55.5 Reset
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 The Living and the Dead
  57. File:NR Tour Stacks 14.jpg
  58. 58.00 58.01 58.02 58.03 58.04 58.05 58.06 58.07 58.08 58.09 58.10 Endless Wonder
  59. See this and this image
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 Resonance
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 61.4 Past Imperfect
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 62.3 62.4 62.5 A New Hope
  63. We All Fall Down (see this image)
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Nevermore
  65. [1]
  66. Mild Mannered (see this image)
  67. Merge With Caution (see this image)
  68. 68.0 68.1 Age Before Beauty
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 69.4 Fractures
  70. 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 Second Chance
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 71.5 71.6 Love Sick
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 Of Monsters and Men
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 73.4 MacPherson
  74. File:Helm.jpg
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 For The Team
  76. Mild Mannered (see this image)
  77. Mild Mannered (see this image)
  78. 78.0 78.1 Season 3
  79. 79.0 79.1 Around The Bend (see this image)
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 80.3 80.4 Merge With Caution
  81. The Truth Hurts
  82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 Implosion
  83. Endless (see this image)
  84. We All Fall Down (see this image)
  85. Lost & Found (see this image)
  86. 86.0 86.1 Magnetism
  87. https://watchesbysjx.com/2018/04/memento-mori-the-vivid-life-of-the-skull-watch.html
  88. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9CYZb6BhLd/
  89. 89.0 89.1 89.2 89.3 89.4 Runaway
  90. 90.0 90.1 90.2 Duped
  91. 91.0 91.1 Cangku Shisi
  92. 13.1 (see this image)
  93. TV Promo
  94. 94.0 94.1 Elements
  95. File:Projector.jpg
  96. 96.0 96.1 Agent Creation
  97. Syfy Video blogs
  98. Instinct (see this image)
  99. Magnetism (see this image)
  100. 100.0 100.1 Trials
  101. 101.0 101.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named O
  102. 102.0 102.1 Allison's Blog
  103. Opening Credits
  104. A Faire to Remember
  105. Syfy Warehouse history page
  106. Instinct (see this image)
  107. 107.0 107.1 Parks and Rehabilitation (see this image)
  108. [2]
  109. 13.1 (see this image)
  110. Fractures (see this image)
  111. Instinct (see this image)
  112. 112.0 112.1 Love Sick (see this image)
  113. File:Assorted Cards 3.jpg
  114. File:Tyndale's Infinite Lathe Card.jpg
  115. File:Set Tour 2.PNG
  116. Season 2 Promo
